Artin Nazarian M.D.

Pre-op Clearance

Pre-op Clearance services offered in Glendale, CA

Pre-op Clearance

You might need to undergo pre-op clearance if you’re preparing for surgery and have an underlying health problem that increases your risk of complications. At his Glendale, California, practice, board-certified internal medicine physician Artin Nazarian, MD, provides pre-op clearance evaluations to teens and adults. Call the Los Angeles-area office today to schedule a pre-op clearance consultation for yourself or your teenager, or book your visit online.

Pre-op Clearance Q&A

Are pre-op clearance and preoperative evaluation the same thing?

Yes. Pre-op clearance and preoperative evaluation refer to the same thing. Dr. Nazarian completes this assessment in the office and uses it to determine if you’re ready for surgery.

Since surgery takes a toll on your body, good health is essential. Some health problems increase your risk of surgical complications. A pre-op clearance ensures that you can safely tolerate the procedure.

Does everyone need pre-op clearance?

Dr. Nazarian encourages anyone preparing for surgery to schedule a pre-op clearance appointment. That’s especially true if you’ve been diagnosed with a chronic illness, like heart, lung, or kidney disease. These ailments can affect treatment outcomes, so assessing your general health is necessary.

Why is pre-op clearance vital to surgery preparation?

Pre-op clearance is vital to surgery preparation because it helps Dr. Nazarian determine various things, including:

  • The best time for surgery based on your medical condition
  • Whether you’re healthy enough to undergo surgery
  • How you’ll recover after surgery
  • How to plan for your recovery

Pre-op clearance also allows patients to ask questions and address concerns. Undergoing an operation is a big decision, so don’t hesitate to speak up if you’re worried or afraid.

What happens during a pre-op clearance appointment?

A pre-op clearance appointment takes 45-60 minutes. Dr. Nazarian reviews your medical records and quizzes you about your lifestyle, health, and any chronic illnesses you’re living with. He completes a physical exam, orders lab testing, and explains how to prepare for surgery.

Dr. Nazarian might prescribe medication or provide specific instructions, depending on which surgery you need. For example, if you take blood thinners, you might need to stop in the days before the operation: they can increase the risk of complications, like bleeding and bruising.

What if I’m not healthy enough to undergo surgery? 

If Dr. Nazarian identifies any health problems that could affect the results of the surgery, he might recommend that you wait. He then develops a personalized treatment plan to address the underlying problems and prevent them from getting worse. Once you’re in good health, you can move forward with the surgery.

Call the office of Artin Nazarian, MD, today to schedule a pre-op clearance appointment, or book your visit online.