Artin Nazarian M.D.

Men's Health

Men's Health services offered in Glendale, CA

Men's Health

Annual men’s health checkups reduce the risk of common men’s health problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure, and prostate cancer. At his Glendale, California, practice, board-certified internal medicine physician Artin Nazarian, MD, provides complete men’s health, including preventive screenings, physical exams, and low testosterone treatment. Call the Los Angeles Area office today to schedule a men’s health appointment, or book your visit online.

Men's Health Q&A

Do I need to schedule a men’s health checkup if I feel well?

Dr. Nazarian encourages all men 18 and older to schedule a men’s health checkup annually, regardless of their health status. Many ailments common in men develop slowly and present few symptoms at first. Regular checkups provide peace of mind and reduce your risk of severe complications.

Which services does men’s health provide?

Dr. Nazarian provides various men’s health services, including:

Physical exams

During a physical, Dr. Nazarian examines you from head to toe. He checks your vital signs; examines your skin, ears, eyes, nose, and throat; palpates (presses on) your abdomen to assess the size, location, and health of your internal organs; and completes a penis and testicular exam. Dr. Nazarian also orders lab testing, including blood screens and urinalysis.

Sexual health care

Middle-aged men are more likely to experience certain sexual health problems, like erectile dysfunction (ED), low testosterone, and decreased sex drive (libido). Dr. Nazarian can identify the cause if you have any of these problems and make personalized treatment recommendations.

Immunizations (vaccines)

Immunizations train your immune system to attack and destroy harmful microorganisms, like viruses and bacteria. Staying current on your immunizations reduces the risk of illness and protects your loved ones and the community.

Medical weight loss

Many men carry excess belly fat, increasing their risk of heart disease and diabetes. Medical weight loss uses improved nutrition, exercise guidance, and prescription drugs to help you shed pounds and maintain a healthier weight.

Lab testing

Lab testing analyzes your blood, urine, or saliva to gather information about your health. Dr. Nazarian uses lab testing to diagnose common men’s health problems, including high cholesterol (hyperlipidemia), low testosterone, and prostate cancer.

Preventive screenings

Preventive screenings aim to catch chronic illnesses when they’re easiest to treat. Dr. Nazarian provides several preventive screenings, including testicular exams, prostate exams, and upper endoscopies.

How do I prepare for a men’s health checkup?

A men’s health checkup doesn’t require special preparation. Bring your health insurance card and a photo ID. Arrive 10-15 minutes early so you have time to fill out the paperwork and write down any questions or concerns you’d like to discuss with Dr. Nazarian.

Call the office of Artin Nazarian, MD, today to schedule a men’s health checkup, or book your appointment online.